About D.W.J. Petroleum, Inc.

Darryl Jackson, President & CEO, grew up in the Steel, Heavy Equipment and Trucking Petroleum Business. His family started these businesses more than 65 years ago, with military, government and private contracts throughout the United States. D.W.J. Petroleum Incorporated has matured totally apart from any family businesses. Darryl Jackson founded D.W.J. Petroleum Incorporated on 9/19/91 to bring his life-long knowledge and expertise of the Petroleum Industry and the contacts of O.P.E.C. to his clients.

D.W.J. Petroleum Inc. is a Government Certified Small Business Enterprise that serves Domestic and International Companies with a Good Faith Efforts Percentage Participation Requirement (P.P.R.) on government contracts.

Today, D.W.J. Petroleum is a rapidly growing Petroleum, Consulting, Waste Management, Concrete, and Environmental Abatement Business with future offices opening up throughout the United States & Internationally.

Times have changed through the years, and through the observation of these times, D.W.J. Petroleum, Inc., understands there has been discovery and rediscovery of these Premium Products and Services on Government and Private Contracts.

At D.W.J. Petroleum, Inc. we pride ourselves on our awareness of these times and offer you these same time-tested premium products and quality services. Take time to experience what our corporation has to offer for your service needs, you will find that in our station we are proficient and well-suited in our office.